You Aren’t A Modern Man Until You Form A Level-headed View Of Jordan Peterson

This is the initiation rite which young men were deprived of

Gem Bay
2 min readAug 5, 2024

When someone says wise things it tends to bias us to view them as someone who is wise, such that we mistake their other utterances as more wise than they truly are. There is probably a name for the cognitive bias I just described, and I have almost no doubt that Dr Jordan B Peterson knows the name.

Father Peterson has said some wise things, which biased me and millions of other men to see more wisdom in the rest of his utterances than what is actually there. To gain as much media attention as he has, good bad or otherwise, you have to be putting out something of genuine value, and part of his value was wisdom. I can’t tell you if that is still part of his value, because I don’t pay much attention to him anymore.

I don’t need to, because I’ve formed a level-headed view of him, which means I can now be officially considered a modern man. Before my initiation I simply accepted everything he said as verbal liberation direct from the fountain of knowledge. Then I denied everything the professor professed as cultish nonsense. And then, by applying the same critical tools to him which he taught me to use against neomarxists, I found a middle way, sifted his sense from…



Gem Bay

Piquant bursts of prose with poetic brevity. Some poems. Occasional wisdom and maybe knowledge. Artifying existence. Finding the music. Make yourself at home.