Dear Deep Head

This is for you, unless it isn’t

Gem Bay
2 min readAug 22, 2024

I recognise you, trying to contort yourself into the shape of someone shallower, someone less sensitive, sensitivity being just one facet of your depth. You’re deep, and the fact you cringe at the acknowledgement is part of how you’re deep, almost testament to the fact.

In spite of your cringe, you are deep, because this is inherent to you, and because you built upon it by reading and thinking and living your way to deeper depths without really thinking how you would deal with them once they arrived. So now you find yourself feeling more and more alienated by a shallow society, figuring the answer lies in the depths and seeming to drift further from the popular shallows as you go deeper, becoming more and more the misfit.

If only you didn’t feel so alienated about your depth, then you might stop trying to contort yourself into the shape of ‘someone shallow’, which would free up a lot of your energy. Trying to contort yourself is a drain of your energy, and you’re tired of it, maybe even exhausted, feeling like you’re somehow underwater.

It’s as if the only time you truly come up for air is when you meet another deep soul, deep head, and connect at the level. Otherwise you drown in your own deeps, or at least uncomfortably tread water. Or do you drown in your sense of being misunderstood?



Gem Bay

Artifying existence through articles. Finding the music. Taking meaning. All that glitters ain't gold, but you'll find something shiny.